All about Israel (Internet censorship) law proposition 892

I’ve been meaning to write about this for quite a while now, and have mentioned it in a recent post, but laziness and lack of time have prevented me from giving this matter the proper attention so far.

A kind comment to my above mentioned post implied that there wasn’t much written so far about proposition 892 in English, if that is the situation, then I’m more then willing to do what I can to rectify the situation.

Disclaimer: I am biased. Most of my information comes from web sites that are officially against law proposition 892. Having said that, I am going to make an effort to provide as complete view of the situation as possible.

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Finnish political system

Justen seems to be attempting to answer my post however, I can’t see what his discussion of the Finnish political system has do do with my critique.

It is striking to notice though how similar is the Finnish system to the Israeli one, albeit, the tones are quite different, he claims that important public policy issues that are out of the general consensus aren’t throughly discussed, and blames it on the structure of the political system, in similarly-structured Israel, however, issues are argued upon quite violently.

I have no choice but to conclude that the tone of the political argument seems to have more to do with the character of the general population then the structure of the political systems.

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Blogs and Internet

While I do not wish to put the wind out of Salo’s sails, I haven’t much positive things to say about his recent post, nevertheless, since he touches upon issues that are close to me heart I can’t avoid pingbacking it.

The core of my contention with his post, is that what seems to be the gist of it, e.g. blogs influencing politics and traditional media, isn’t news. Also, the idea that not the media nor “the people in power” know best should be clear to any citizen of a democratic state.

It is interesting to note that similar issues to those he mentions, e.g. state-mandated censorship of internet pornographic material and copyright laws, are being discussed now days in Israel as well. On a personal note I should probably find the way to become better informed of the public debate of those issues in Israel.