Syntax Highlighter – Found!

It turns out it was under my nose the whole time!

I was looking at the VIM syntax-highlighting files to see if it’s built-in syntax highlighter was in any shape to be ripped off when I came across a file called “2html.vim”.

Apparently its a VIM script to allow you to convert whatever file you’ve currently open in VIM into HTML, syntax highlighting included!

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Interesting New (?) Israeli Bands

Last Friday I went with a friend of mine to a concert by rather well known Israeli band called “Nikamt Hatractor” (The name can be roughly translated to “Tractor’s Revenge).

While the concert itself was, unsurprisingly, very good, what really got our attention was a couple of rather good songs we heard played in the background before and after the show.

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In Search of a Script Syntax Highlighter

One of my dubious schemes is to turn this site into some sort of a source code repository for various scripts and other code I deem useful for others or otherwise worthy of publication.

Having HTML be a rich text format, I wish my repository to, at the very least feature source code syntax highlighting for sources post on it, therefore I am looking for a tool to accomplish that task.

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