Anime Watching Rules

A little more the a year ago, I’ve noticed the my affection for Anime had become an addiction, I’d go through whole 13episode series in a weekday, I’d have 2 or 3 series downloaded and waiting on my drive at all times and 3 more downloading, I’d sit in my office at work and just count the minutes till I can go home and watch some Anime, on weekends I used to shut myself in my room and watch it morning `till dawn.

I realized this was hurting me, I wasn’t getting out much, I wasn’t getting important things in my life done, I’ve shut myself in a colorful Japanese-speaking fantasy world, and the only way out was to stop.

So I’ve stopped, I completely forbade myself from watching Anime.

At first it was strange, I didn’t know what to do with all the spare time I suddenly had, but I found out soon enough, I began reading, and going out more, and getting things done and overall made myself a better person then I was.

But recently I’ve came to realize that watching Anime, if moderated enough, could be like reading a good book, while it will take some of one’s time, it can enhance you as a person and provide new and different perspectives of thought, as well as the obvious few hours of joy.

So I’m letting Anime back in my life, but under certain strictly kept rules to prevent myself from becoming addicted again:

  1. First rule of moderate watching:
    • Thou shall regularly only watch an hour of Anime per day and at most not more then 2 hours.
  2. Second rule of moderate watching:
    • Thou shall watch no more Anime on weekends then on regular days.
  3. Third rule of moderate watching:
    • Thou shall not watch Anime of Friday nights.
  4. First rule of moderate acquisition:
    • Thou shall only download one Anime series at a time.
  5. Second rule of moderate acquisition:
    • Thou shall not begin acquiring new Anime before completing the watching of the current one.
  6. Third rule of moderate acquisition:
    • Thou shall preview 1st episodes before downloading a whole series, and not download crappy Anime series, previewing time is to be counted as watching time.

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