Comparison of Puppet and Ansible

Puppet vs. AnsibleA configuration management system is a crucial tool in the tool box of any sysadmin. I have been using and advocating Puppet for several years now. Recently I have noticed that Ansible had emerged to be considered as an alternative to Puppet. I’ve decided to give Ansible a good look, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and decide if, by chance, it is time for me to put Puppet aside.

Server installation

Properly setting up a Puppetmaster can be a challenging task. To obtain basic setup one needs to do no more than install a package. However, To enjoy the full capabilities of Puppet, one needs to layer many additional tools on top, including:

Many of the steps above could be greatly simplified by using ready-made Puppet modules. Prepackaged solutions can also be obtained either for a price or for free.

Ansible doesn’t really have a server. The common configuration of Ansible seems to be to install it locally on the laptop of the sysadmin or developer using it, and run it ad-hoc when needed. While this makes initial setup quick and easy (Install one package on one machine, and away you go), it also means you lose the benefit of having a server act as a central location for data gathering and coordination. The Ansible developers had seen the need for a server of sort, and provide a solution in the form of Ansible Tower. Ansible Tower is a proprietary, closed source, solution. I will not cover it here.

Client architecture and installation

Puppet client installation is quite straight forward. One typically has to install the puppet client package vie the operating system’s package manager, and then run it with the ‘waitforcert‘ parameter to make it obtain a signed certificate from the Puppetmaster server. The signing of the certificate could either be done manually on the Puppetmaster, or automated by creating an ‘autosign’ file. Once the client had run for the first time, further configuration (if needed) could be done via Puppet itself by distributing the ‘/etc/puppet.conf‘ file. The Puppet client installation could be very easily embedded in to the host deployment processes performed via deployment automation systems such as Kickstart. This way hosts can automatically become managed by Puppet with no need for sysadmin intervention.

Ansible claims to make things simple by not having a client at all and leveraging SSH instead. This does sound simpler but in practice, it creates a situation where the sysadmin would have to create his own solutions for managing and distributing SSH keys as well as managing the ‘known_hosts’ file on the machine Ansible is invoked from. These solutions cannot be created using Ansible itself because they must be in place before Ansible can run. While SSH key distribution could be performed as a Kickstart post-installation task, it is more complex to accomplish then simply running a command provided by the configuration management system. It is only fair to mention that on cloud-hosted virtual machines, SSH key distribution is already taken care of by the cloud infrastructure.

Apart from enabling SSH connections from the machine running Ansible to the clients, a sysadmin also needs to devise means to gather information about which hosts exist. This can be done either by manually maintaining an inventory file or by integrating 3rd-party means of discovering hosts. This problem can also be mitigated in cloud environments where the environment can report to Ansible which hosts had been created within it.

I find Puppet’s ‘pull’ architecture to be more robust and useful then Ansible’s push-over-SSH. Since Puppet clients can be set up to periodically report their state to the sever, it can be used as a crude monitoring system, measuring client’s health by the frequency of reports arriving from it. Having an ‘x509’  certificate authority and distribution system embedded into the configuration management system means you have handy certificates you can use for other things, such as securing communications to application messaging systems. The pull architecture also enables one to better secure the clients by using a firewall to block all incoming TCP connections. With Ansible you have to keep the SSH port open.

Configuration language

Puppet has a declarative domain-specific-language (DSL) that allows a sysadmin to map out how hosts should be configured. The design of the language is such that it encourages high-level and abstract style of describing what a host should be like rather the what should be done to it. This creates a situation where a well written, so-called, configuration manifest file can be used to obtain the same goals across many operating systems and hardware types.

When configurations get complex, the Puppet language offers abstraction mechanisms in the form of custom ‘defined resources’ and ‘classes’.

The puppet language has its shortcomings, the declarative nature of the language means it can be harder to learn for sysadmins accustomed to the imperative nature of shell scripting languages. It also means that controlling exact ordering of execution of configuration changes can be tricky, requiring one to manually specify configuration dependencies.

Ansible’s language, despite being based on the declarative YAML language, is imperative. Ansible playbooks are a sequence of plays to be carried out on different groups of hosts. Plays are in turn sequences of tasks that invoke modules to commit changes to individual hosts. In essence Ansible provide a high-level scripting language that can run across hosts.

I consider one of the most important aspects on a language is its ability to convey the meaning of a thing described with it over time. I think the Puppet DSL wins here. A well-written puppet manifest is a terse description of the nature of the configuration applied to a host. An Ansible playbook is a description of how to get a certain configuration. A deeper understanding of the result of the process may be harder to obtain. One means Ansible provides to bridge that gap is forcing one to enter a textual description for each and every task.

Ansible includes language feature called ‘roles’. Ansible ‘roles’ are collections of tasks which are declarative in nature. With discipline, one can end up using roles to create Ansible playbooks that are very terse and declarative. Novice users of the Puppet DSL can end up creating manifest files that are too long and complex and end up providing less then adequate description of their purpose.

Change management and control

Puppet can be run with the ‘--noop‘ parameter to make it show what changes are going to be made to a particular host without actually committing them. Comparably, Ansible provides the ‘--check‘ option which does the same thing.

Both tools encourage users to use a source code management system (SCM) such as Git to track changes being made to the configuration language source files.

Puppet is architecturally designed to have the client agent run periodically in order to detect and possibly automatically mend configuration drift, e.g. hosts no longer conforming with their prescribed configuration. The Puppetmaster, when coupled with the PuppetDB collects information that allows the sysadmin to determine exactly where and which configuration drift had occurred in the network.

Ansible could theoretically be setup to be run periodically form a centralized server against a predetermined playbook in order to detect drift. It seems that Ansible`s design and architecture doesn`t make it very efficient for that kind of use. One would also need to devise a way to collect reporting data over time to make it useful.

Puppet provides the concept of ‘environments’  as a means to have different hosts run against different versions of the configuration. This provides a way to test configuration changes against staging servers for example, without affecting the production servers. Ansible’s nature of ad-hoc invocation creates a situation where such a feature is not needed. One can simply decide at invocation time which servers to run against.

Host information management

Puppet has a sibling tool called ‘Facter’ which can gather various facts about a particular host. Those facts can them be used inside manifest files to tune the configuration to that specific host. The facts are also collected and stored by the Puppetmaster in the PuppetDB. The facts could then be queried to generate various reports about the hosts puppet runs on. In this manner Puppet provides very detailed and useful host inventory.

Like Puppet, Ansible collects facts about a host when it is invoked to run on it and can use those facts to tune the actions being performed on that host. Ansible, however, throws away the facts once a particular playbook execution has ended and does not provide means to store and query facts over time.

Ansible can use various sources to gather facts from. That includes sources like Facter and also sources that are extrinsic to the host such as the cloud infrastructure running it. Facter, in comparison, only gathers information from the host itself. While plugins can be written to make Facter gather information from other sources, its design doesn’t lend itself to making that task easy.

Push Orchestration

I call “Push Orchestration” the situation where a command or a set of commands are sent ad-hoc to a group of hosts to be performed immediately.

Ansible’s very design revolves around push orchestration, so its no surprise it provides easy means to run arbitrary commands on sets of hosts.

Puppet architecture of periodically executing agents does not lend itself to be used for “Push Orchestration”. When committing changes through Puppet, one typically has to wait until the Puppet agent had completed its periodic run on all the designated hosts for the changes to take place. Puppet also does no provide any easy means to make a particular command be run only once.

Puppet has a complementary tool called MCollective which is designed for “Push Orchestration”. That tool is, however, considered difficult to setup ans use and is not widely used.

Service Orchestration

I call “Service Orchestration” the situation where setting up a service requires creating a complex configuration with inter-dependencies between different hosts.

Ansible imperative ad-hoc nature makes it simple to carry out such a configuration. One can simply create a playbook where certain steps are performed of a certain hosts, then other steps are preformed on another host using information gathered in the previous steps, and so forth.

Puppet can also be used for complex service orchestration by means of a language feature called “exported resources” that allows Puppet to move commands and information between different hosts. When performing “Service Orchestration” with Puppet, one takes the approach of having each host configured individually with the information available, while generating additional information for use by other hosts. It can take several Puppet runs until the configuration on all relevant hosts settles down to the final desired state.

It can be difficult to design and implement complex distributed configuration with the tools provided by Puppet, doing it in the imperative way described by Ansible can be simpler.

Included Batteries

Ansible comes pre-packaged with a large variety of modules that allow performing many different operations oh hosts such as running commands, managing files, users and packages and interacting with visualization and cloud infrastructure.

Puppet, in comparison, includes a smaller and simpler set of basic types included in the default installation. It can, however, be easily extended by adding modules (by means of a provided tool) from the Puppetforge module repository.


After looking deeply into both tools, I have concluded that, while there are some overlaps between the two tools, eventually they are far outweighed by the differences, and most importantly, the different and complementary use cases.

Ansible lends itself for performing complex ad-hoc, on-off tasks across large groups of servers. It can be setup with as little as one command run on a sysadmin’s laptop and then used immediately for tasks such as setting up and deploying complex system architectures and carrying out sensitive rolling upgrades. I see this tool as most fitting for a sysadmin that carries out freelance or consulting kind of work, roaming between different networks and organizations while carrying his tools of trade with him in his laptop.

Puppet lends itself to managing large and complex networks over time. It provides a centralized server that can be used to monitor hosts, gather information about then and measure their compliance to predetermined configuration formally-specified policy. It also provides means to perform well-controlled network-wide changes and upgrades over time. I see Puppet as being mainly used by a sysadmin that is charged with maintaining a set of servers and systems over time, gaining good familiarity with their fine details and keeping up-times long.

3 thoughts on “Comparison of Puppet and Ansible

  1. Thank you for this comparison.
    The only thing I do not agree with, is your evaluation of “Client architecture and installation”.
    In Puppet _and_ in Ansible, I have to install something on the client (e.g. via Kickstarter).
    In Ansible’s case you call this task “complex”, but with Puppet (with manual signing or “waitForCert” etc.)
    you seem to consider it simple “the cost of doing business”. I do not understand, why you rate one over the other

    • You could easily setup the puppetmaster to do auto-signing. That makes the whole signing process go away. The point is, that the security and communication means are built into the system while in Ansible you need to rely on independently-configured SSH.
      But do note my conclusion, I do not consider the tools as alternative to one another. If your task is maintaining large infrastructure over time, while monitoring for configuration drift – Puppet is your tool. If you want to create complex, multi-server orchestration processes – use Ansible.

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